Data logger and temperature sensor installation
Installation day! Today we started the installation of the temperature sensors, data loggers and center controller at the site. This consisted of running lots of wires for power and Ethernet to get the live feed of the data. Below are some pictures of the installation and descriptions of what some of it is.

Figure 1: Inside of the Pelican box for the temperature sensor data logger. Black wires are the temperature sensors running into the multiplexer. Yellow wires are power and blue wire is Ethernet running from the Raspberry Pi to the main controller in the center of the site.

Figure 2: Inside of the main controller. The blue box by the hand is the Ethernet, The two black boxes on the right are the power, the red, yellow and blue are the controllers for the heating probes, and the middle is the SDM controllers for turning on and off the heating of the soil.

Figure 3: The temperature sensors and data loggers

Figure 4: The center controller for the temperature sensors and heaters

Figure 5: The center controller on the inside, with the Ethernet box (right), power supply (top), heater controller (left) and power from the arboretum building (bottom).

Figure 6: Close up of the ports for the power supply for the Raspberry Pis, black is negative and white is positive (DC power)

Figure 7: The power supply for the heating cables. Red is power, yellow is ground and blue is neutral (AC power). The bottom of the photo are the solid state relays that control the five heating probes independently to make sure they do not go over or below the threshold of warming above the ambient temperature of the soil.

Figure 8: The supplies needed for installation.

Figure 9: Heating probe (background) and data logger (foreground) installed in the field.

Figure 10: Grey conduit running across the site protecting the wires running to and from the temperature sensor data loggers, heating probes and the center controller.